WhatsApp Introduces Private Mentions and Status Likes for Enhanced Interaction

WhatsApp adds Status Likes and Private Mentions, letting users privately interact with contacts via status updates on Android and iOS.

WhatsApp has unveiled new features for status updates, rolling out Status Likes and Private Mentions for Android and iOS users. The Status Likes feature allows users to show appreciation for a contact's status by tapping a heart emoji. Private Mentions enable users to tag contacts in their statuses, with the mentioned person able to reshare the status, while the mention remains invisible to others. These features mirror similar functionalities already available on Facebook and Instagram.

In a blog post, WhatsApp shared details about these updates. The like feature lets users express their reactions to statuses with a single tap, similar to Instagram stories. Status Likes are private—only the person who posted the status can see who liked it from the list of viewers.

Private Mentions allow users to discreetly tag contacts in their status updates. The tagged contacts can reshare the status, but the mention remains hidden from other viewers. This feature works similarly to tagging friends on Facebook and Instagram.

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